irritating.: September 2006

Friday, September 29, 2006


thiis languaage's iish sho diiffiicult to' masterrx. ii'm dyiing of faiilurex.

I object naming the language before i get bashed. hahaha. JIALI'S BIRTHDAY hahaha. dunno why today and yesterday very high all i do is laugh and not study. yup i will die if i continue this way. It was fun though except the trouble of travelling from town to ACS (i) and back to town for one short 8 minutes. dumb. plain dumb.

I PIERCED MY EAR! HOORAY! HOORAY! next i must slim down. hahahaha. see how many times i'll say this and when it'll happen. (after exam after exam) sorriex.. HAHAHA. okay stop it Zhi Hui. i'm so bored i'm falling asleep infront of the damn comp mans.

DEROB = BORED (spell it the other way round)

AZH at 10:11 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

i still dunno the actual heading. ): but I think is "My Display Picture's nicer than yours" HAHAHAHAHA. Sarah, Crystal and I join his FC! but not accepted yet. hahaha. JON JON JON. I feel like a betrayer. I feel shithead-ed. Like My blogskin is blue I just realise. I'm sensitive to blue now. I hang this stuff on my phone last time when I realise my phone can hang things. it's a simple BLUE strap. What the hell. I got BLUE SI clappers. hallo?!$&!#()%!~ NOT HAPPY SIA. hahahaha. i'm gonna bleach everything blue. hahaha. OH MY! JUST REALISE MY EAR STUD'S BLUE. NO WONDER! OH MY GOD! I'M A LOSER LOOKING DUMB WITH A "L" ON MY FOREHEAD. OH MY GAD OH MY GAD i'll buy white jewel studs no matter how much I love dark blue studs. WHITE ISN'T BAD TOO! :D I'm head over heels for JOn! (: JON JON JON! ohkay. my blog is jon-cated. change subj

L is for the way you look! at me
O is for the Only One I see
V is very very extraordinary
E is Even more than anyone that you adore
And Love! Is all that I can give to you
And Love! Is more than just a game for 2. hahaha.
the advertisement just went (: if only it was Jon's songs. OH MY GAD!

hahahahaha. tmr practical exam I dun have mood to practise hahaha. eat shit right. WADEVER. hahaha. gonna ponned recess munches ): practise like-a shit but no use lah. practise or not still play very well. (must haave self-confidence) hahaha. I WANNA PLAY O2 JAM! I finally got the taste of the game at Ashley's house today. going her house to study S.S. on Saturday. CAN PLAY AGAIN! EVERYBODY YEA! YEA YEA! hmmm-ma-lah-ya. oh my gad went Yanna's friendster I love the pictures! hahahahaha. kawaii nehz! hahaha. I'm turnin from a girl to ultra girlie. yaik-ke-dee-do! I wanna work as a clown and have a feel. is it fun. I swear I'll take off my mask and play with the kid if he/she is uber cute although I drool more for male babies and lil' boys. S-T-I-L-L. hahahaha. if i drool at the girl one SHE MUST BE UBER CUTE! hahaha. I'm so short. haiya. dunno can anot. I'll either be clown or mascot. mascot the costume hot then auto switch on sweat mode. hahahaha. Slim down sexily sia. ohkay think too much. GONNA FIND NEW BLOGSKIN (: WHITE ONE!

AZH at 9:06 PM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

hmmmmmmm. i had a very suitabl title. but i forgot what i wanted ):
Well, I miss my LOve. oh ya! it's about him. but forgot what. hahaha sth about my display pic cause it's him lah DUH
dont blog dont blog. kor's home dun want him to read, hehehehe. i'll update about the title again

AZH at 6:22 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My love :'(

SAY OOH LALA! SAY OOH LALA! oh mi god, my love he's so hot. he doesn't have bedroom eyes angie, he makes me horny. hahahaha. oops. I forgot it's open to public. I'm turning whiney. I realise I HAVE THE VOICE. mwahahaha. to whine and irritate the hell out of every soul i shall begin. no le. very gross. but sometimes I do accidentally whine. yuck. JON! JON! JON! HE'S OUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I WANT HIS BADGE I DUN HAVE WHITE CLAPPERS WHAT THE HELL I WAS SITTING ONJON'S SIDE DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY GAVE ME BLUE COLOUR CLAPPERS AND I MUST MUST PUSH THE BLAME OF JON LOSING TO I DUNNO WHO. I JUST HAVE TO PUSH THE BLAME CAUSE I ALWAYS DO THAT. I heard la people plassed the message around that Jon was at 51% and hady 48% people probably let off the info then everybody who heard it vote extra for Hady la. tsk. haiyomama. ): well, I still treat the regional star my love. and I just realise why Taufik and probably Hady always go Suria. There's no place to perform. U can't have concerts every night unlike Sly (he's now considered unprofessional in SG idol i suppose, maybe in bars lo) then I dunno whether they will go on producing albums. it ain't easy mah. Then aiya I dunno la. I'm in a confused state. I'm swinging mood-wise like MacBeth in Scene 5. Yes, I'm sad about JON (I want his badge and white clappers still) and tomorrow and the rest of the week still got exam. oh my goodness. mum is nice la. she prepared me fruits to share with Sylvia. Dunno why le, yesterday and today's fruits are GROSS. not sweet not sour it's tastless. What the hell. ohkay. I'm lazing away. I need to study. byebye. byebyebye.

AZH at 9:57 PM

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I have pus, pus AND MORE pus. Green pus, yellow pus AND white pus.

:D hehehehe. I LOVE PUS! hahahahaha gross. it's time to study bio since pus is out
it's the bestest time. with actual real life pictures. hahaha. everyone's blog is study mug exams round the corners. so do u think i'll blog something else. no loh. :/ gonna look on the bright side though. EXAMS WILL SOON BE HERE AND OVER! HOLIDAYS WILL COME SOON. so many plans i wanna carry out. Yes, i'm getting distracted even blogging. i'll still go on. hahaha
-WINDSURF! or at least a water sports
-Lose 5kg minimum. (quite impossible PEOPLE HELP ME! PROVOKE ME! I'm uber fat u noe it"
-Make New friends
-Turn Smart
-improve musically

oh ya! (: passed my grade 8 loh. but just passed no merits no distinction. -_-!@#% well. not a fail and better than Tessa :P (not STC one)

-and alot more plans that i can't keep thinking about.
to pay up for the necessities i'll start working right after exams are over. Then I'll work a lighter schduele during hoildays. (: Who needs a job accepting the rate of $4.50/hr no double pay or extra pay on O.T. and rise on special occasions. No comission. 14 years old allowed. Probably work at IsetanS(all branches) and takashimaya. find means to contact me. it's better than Yoshi, MacDonald and yada yada.

ohkay! I must mug! bye

AZH at 11:14 PM

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dated 15-09-06

Once again my phone buttons are fixed (: hurray. I still wanna find sth to hang on my phone. YES i said that. hahahahaha.
Yesterday Physics was hilarious!hahaha I can't recall every single detail in the letter but it just included. "Mr. Tan Lin How fanclub" messages of him being "so cute! so handsome!" "in pink" "jealousy of Ms. Mak" "Voice that warms in the chilly rain" "Intelligent, good in Physics" hahahaha. damn lah he never read it out. See threat us again. ahahaha

What happened actually.
Angielina was folding a letter. So Mr.Tan mentioned if he caught us writing letters and folding them to pass to other girls in the school and then giggle about it later he will intrude us and read the letter aloud to the class. So my clique decided to write him a letter of flattering comments. hahahaha. He knows it's us. hahahaha. We had a hard time catching his attention to confiscate our letter. Only Angielina could be our successor. hahahaha. we kept passing it aound and being secretive but he fails to catch. then we tore the extra spaces of the paper and it looked more like a special letter. HAHAHA. Then Jiali fold it to a plane and anyhow fly it. Then he never catch. Baka sia. Then then then then then then we wrote already while folding the paper to Angie. Angie read and passed it to Rachel I think to read. AH HA! HE CAUGHT US! hahahaha. Laughed like shit. He didn't know why I think. Then everyone ask him to read it out loud. HIS FACE BLUSHED! HAHAHAHAHA. He never read in the end and continued with lesson. tsk. then he said okok he'll read then he couldn't even through a word out. AHHH HAHAHA. Loser so like 3/4 of the class didn't know why. hahahahahaha.


AZH at 11:14 AM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


hahahha. just love being thick-skin and making myself happy. mwahaha. compliments always make one's day. today the little grandma selling tidbits in school today smiled and said to me "ni hen mei le" WAHA! she's so cute. If she said ni hen chou le. I woldn't think that way. well she's nice lah. can't blame me i hardly have grandparents. ): I love grand paternal love. :D musical that time she also like that. the poor school's too poor to afford meals AND MR.FRANCIS CLAIMS THAT'S WHAT MADE ME FAT. EATING BURGERS ALL DAY HUH? XP no way. they don't have burgers prrovided. they have wedges and nasi lemak all days. one meal a day though. no soup no drinks no wegetables. what have u got to say huh Mr. Francis. Our school's poor. Ohkay sorry I hoped away from my initial subject. Ohkay so we were hungry then we went school canteen for food. just so happen we met granny selling tidbits again. There she goes. "Chi bao le ma?" and all those sweet messages. Jiali say last time cause got leftover baos then she gave them to eat. (:
Her kindness will be repayed. hahaha.
ehs. typed alot for being complimented. hahaha.

A Nation in Concert 2006 was far too fabulous. THANKS BENG! well. it's good. lots of advantages about watching the show.
-UNLIKE ROAD DONATION BUGGERS ASKING U TO BUY PIECES OF DONATION TICKETS FOR PRICES AS HIGH AS $10 AT ONE GO. Watching the concert made me search for the donation box to donate money. not much but it beats nothing. and yada yada, "its the thought that counts"
-You will want to participate
-You get to take different pictures of different people. And when do u see life size (or even bigger than me since I'm so short) bugs? And speaks english to you.
guess who are behind the costumes and thick make up. TIMOTHYS THAT MELT YOUR HEART! mwahahaha.
-Then the bestest best part. it's a life performance that teaches u meanings of life and the people u watch the show with will be pulled together. I believe there will be a moment in a musical that captures everyone's heart with no fail. (: it brings those people whom u know even closer. Sylvia now has another same interest as me. Timothy Go. (: she likes him more. hahaha. Sylvia got to know Beng. WE WENT FOR DINNER! (: (: I got to knowSylvia's friend that she brought along too. and ya! I found another opportunity that probably leads to more opportunities to go out with BOBO beng. hehehehe. :D


AZH at 9:26 PM

Friday, September 08, 2006

Zhi Hui's so beautifuL! (:

I love the show My Lovely Samsoon. hahahha. Sanshi is super handsome. hahahahaha. (: and he and samsoon makes a cute couple except the sex parts. hahahahaha very wrong. hahahahaha. fine. talking about sex on my blog makes my blog rating to NC-16 due to explicit contents. hahahaha. lame lamb chop. ohya I read Sarah's horrible science book inside they thought about the digestion ahgagagagagagayadadadayadayada then got one part whereby we can taste HCl sometimes. YUCK GROSS JUST NOW STUDY GEOG THEN BURP suddenly got burning sensation I suppose thats HCl. wah the burning sensation is so irritating. some irritant. chh. I've been crappy nowadays. I thought about it how crap came about. and awfully true I think it really came from the word crab. I forgot why. ): oh shit. I can't blog about it now. and forever I think. My memory's not so good. must drink more juice. As it is sceintifically proven that people who drink fruit juices thrice a week has better memory than those who seldom drink juices. hmmm. Go and drink brain power juice now! what you're waiting for? grow old and lose all your memories of me. hahahaha. I still cannot think my strategy about "crap". can't wait for 10 o'clock to come! :D

oh ya Paul's out when Jasmine should have gone. what the hell. but it's quite a sure thing we'll see Hady and Jon in the finals. It's a tougher fight then last yrs Taufik and Sly. Unless it was Oli and Taufik their challenge may stand equally high.

AZH at 7:39 PM

Monday, September 04, 2006

school holidays are back from popular demands :D
hahaha. I'm gonna come up with sth lame that will take time to blog. Let's start.
and so, a new language to introduce. HAHAHA

Applying Your knowledge, guess this
so,did you get that? hahahaha. joking.
mld, urtfiv gsrh lfg.

AZH at 9:58 PM