irritating.: February 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006


hehs. Exams seems weird to me. I'm even more relax. I'm as spastic as ever. Tmr combo 1! (sci + chem) eh?! is phy + chem not sci + chem baahahaha. [watching teevee with my chem notebook infront. (: finished. and no textbook :( I left it in rifle range. I like Evonne's earring :D ROBOT *Campus Superstar* I "TSK." Geraldine XP Khim's voice is sssssssssssssssssssssss-tunning!] oh kay shuddup i dun think everyone's interested. Wahahahaha. today's paper was flaccid it couldn't even stand upright... hah. haha. hahahahaha. neither will the marks stand high :( I dunno why first thing i thought was paiseh daddy and mammy. :/ and here I am blogging and watching teevee. TSK. hahahahaha. oh yaaaa! Mdm. Zuraida is super funny larh. she's cool man. she's very funny. and ssssssssssss-tuning-ly she shouted the T initialled word which ppl ask for in friendster through the class from the rgt back corner to Sarah all the way at the left front corner. hahaha. ohkay I hope i'm not asking for too much I need more luck. I mug first. goodbye. I mean watch teevee then mug. hehehehe.
* oh my. teresa dances like chicken. hahahaha. oh shhhush

AZH at 8:41 PM

Thursday, February 23, 2006

press press press!

baaahahahaha. went foot massage. sexy right. hahahaha. it was initially ticklish for awhile. hahaha. laughed like crazy please and my other 5 gang members made a whole din lah. hahahaha. i went "MY FOOT" with Yiwen with Sam, Rachel, Angielina, Steph and Shah tagging along. hahaha. super fun man. Charlene goh was with us then she left halfway. She and Yiwen arh. fight like kids during lunch super funny. hope no one's gonna complain, we were just innocently playing like kids. Met Yanna, Evelyn, Julianna and their friends they were having tuition. hahaha. Juli waved but i thought it was to Yiwen. then i didn't so paiseh. i turn around no one else was looking that direction. afterall she's suppose to wear specs and din't wear. take it as she see wrongly lah. hahaha. then my sins are atonned. O:D -ANGELIC!- bahahahaha. right so i finished my composition and Ms. Goh forgot we had prepared for her. gonna perform for her tomorrow. hahahaha. hope it's ohkay. best would be that it's purrr-fect. tomorrow got music test. i think i can just jump off any cliffs man. first tym take that music paper. hope it goes well. :D bestest luck to myself. (: OH YA!
ADD-ONS! Gr8 world city now got huge mega big trampoline. very jelly die die must play. 7 of us played after charlene left when we just found out. hahahaha. 8ft big very fun. hahahaha.

Oh ya. Do you know one of the methods how teachers find out about discrimination blogs? they type their Full name in Search engines and all the blogs with her insult will all show. careful oh kay. and they are not nothing better to do but they really bother to do it. my roommate tell me one. heh. careful arh. aiya best larh dun insult anyone online. just write somewhere at home. hahaaha

AZH at 6:35 PM

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


HAH! days have been boring man. Yiwen's crazy in lessons man. yadayada. I've nothing to say man. If I have I could have typed it all down here in this entry. yet i dno wad to say. so. i've been composing the next, to-be-singapore's song. heh. on the project. hahaha. U know the deep in my heart thig? and the where I belong. yah dat 1 dat 1. working on it. Ms. Goh wants it tomorrow. and hahaha. rhythm and lyrics not so done nor compiled. heh. Yiwen lend me her "Singalong" book from primary as support :D heh. xie xie

AZH at 7:05 PM

Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm posting!

right.. see the links? it's not working. no it works but it's transparent even if u run through the names, only a very light tone comes up. rgh. how to change it? oh gr8, Ashley's helping me. Thank You Very Much :D
Fast eh, CA soon :( I dun have the determination to study but I wanna be a smart kid. I failed many many billion tests already. i dun want to retain please and I don't want my parents to be dissapointed. like come on lah. who wants man. they have weapons you know.
oh man I miss "Bald man's chocolate" fondue so so much. GO TRY MAN! at esplanade there.
they give you Normal chocolate to dip, they give u white chocolate to dip, they give you dark chocolate to dip, they give you bread to eat, they give strawberries to savour, banana to chew, marshmallows to swallow. WAHAHAHAHAHA. YUMMY MAN. but ya lah u pay the price too. $20.00 for small. for (2-3ppl) oh ya remember got service charge one hor.

AZH at 6:19 PM

Friday, February 17, 2006

Blog under maintenance, sorry for any inconvenience caused. :D

AZH at 9:09 PM