irritating.: November 2004

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Yu Hoo!

dui bu qi never update!
Comp got error sho... kennot update lor :)busy now gtg! bye! TAG MY BOARDIE!

AZH at 2:53 PM

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

previous blog entries =D

New Blog done! http://-iliketobelittle.blogspot.comdone ages ago. but never post here paiseh. perhaps seldon post oso at the other blog. hahaha angelic-devilordevilish-angel 9:25 PM
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Haiyo my new blog almost done ler...BUT KENNOT TYPE CHEENA CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My MY Blogger so mean to me!!!!! Watching Chl U's new show... seems okay... football football.. seem as though it's th e imitation of Shaolin football with players of different background, no kinship... the idea sho sian... to day the whole dae was BORING! First I woke up...but very horribly, I set the alarm thrice... first 8....then 8:30.... then 9:00....but I woke up at around 10... piggy.was really tired though... then I bathe, eat and do my theory....very lil' :) so I played the piano for a while then went online for a while.... then I adjust my new blog...then eat lunch and go for theory and piano from 1:15-3:30... sigh.... had a terrible theory lesson.... WE'RE STARTING ON COMPOSING!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I HATE THAT!!!!! NO!!!!!!! then after piano teacher gib me marshmallow... remind me of the old tym when i get rewarded with a sweet when I'm guai! haha.. my teacher so cute! then I cum home lor... on the way photostate sth my teacher ask me to help... then go home...bro using comp so kennot use... try watching TV nothing nice to watch sho... I watch indian show lor.. try imitating them... keke... sry sry.... not insulting the indians but I mean watch only la... then very amused how the language goes... then I read a book then sleepy liao go and sleep lor... wake up makan then type this.... kennot concentrate cuz TVs going on and on.... wateva nm.... wah hols so sian leh wo si le suan le!angelic-devilordevilish-angel 8:35 PM
Haiyo my new blog almost done ler...BUT KENNOT TYPE CHEENA CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My MY Blogger so mean to me!!!!! Watching Chl U's new show... seems okay... football football.. seem as though it's th e imitation of Shaolin football with players of different background, no kinship... the idea sho sian... to day the whole dae was BORING! First I woke up...but very horribly, I set the alarm thrice... first 8....then 8:30.... then 9:00....but I woke up at around 10... piggy.was really tired though... then I bathe, eat and do my theory....very lil' :) so I played the piano for a while then went online for a while.... then I adjust my new blog...then eat lunch and go for theory and piano from 1:15-3:30... sigh.... had a terrible theory lesson.... WE'RE STARTING ON COMPOSING!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I HATE THAT!!!!! NO!!!!!!! then after piano teacher gib me marshmallow... remind me of the old tym when i get rewarded with a sweet when I'm guai! haha.. my teacher so cute! then I cum home lor... on the way photostate sth my teacher ask me to help... then go home...bro using comp so kennot use... try watching TV nothing nice to watch sho... I watch indian show lor.. try imitating them... keke... sry sry.... not insulting the indians but I mean watch only la... then very amused how the language goes... then I read a book then sleepy liao go and sleep lor... wake up makan then type this.... kennot concentrate cuz TVs going on and on.... wateva nm.... wah hols so sian leh wo si le suan le!angelic-devilordevilish-angel 3:39 AM
Friday, November 12, 2004
Hello ((" opening a new blog that I think I may be more crazie dere...hurhur...dunno... so happie this hols not bad lar... Got cheerlead and we go shaking our ass-es and lurff at tyms together, den sumtym got drama esp the cuming SYF next year.... dno shud i join anot... i think i juz be backstage crew is good enuff....dun wish to be in any roles.*sneezing* wah! nowadays sumtym rain, sumtym sunshine...can die one wa....*sniff sniff*AHhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tml piano n theory class...aiyoh! Haf to do theory ler loh... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE TAT MAN! sick..... all the changes in key.... *shake head* haiyo haiyo... den piano haven't master fully the pieces can die arh... oh ya! Scales! I forgot practice walau...................... this hols I quite lazie oso wake up late late abt 11 latest was 1...forgot which dae.... den my house here got 1 new guy, Ivan... he in JC 3rd yr... he leaving nx yr.... haiyo haiyoo.. ANYWAY! THis tym cheerlead dance not bad... very nice, very styled, and hip... happiee happiee.... but.... quite diff oso lar... dun expect it to be easy either the choreographers are seniors of the dance club la.... n oso haiyo haiyo.... this sunday, 14th November is Charlotte and Kelly's burfdae... wo si le shuan le... bankrupt ler... dno where to get presents... maybe I dun giv any...hehehehe.... jk jk... ltr charlotte read liao during practice she stab me arh! Lao Niang rou le wo okay ((: ya another gud news... my san jie got back her laptop gud fer her lor........ but it's like she's stuck on it sumhow... when I'm bathing she's on her laptop, when I'm watching TV she's on her laptop, When I'm sleeping, she's on her laptop....Amen, god bless yew!Today's drama was boring suuuuupppppppppper....Yep, The teacherS were late again...sigh sigh shake head shake head... then inside oso nth much happen we play games... i was proposed haha.... by neeta.... so touched haha... the scene by yangwei n edlyn was funny, then the scene by Tessa and Yang wei too wasn't bad, and delisa's 4got which one... Marissa's weren't so bad either her expressions were forever cute... Marissa and Tessa the future Yangwei and Delisa... ((: haha.... then the quite boring games continue And i juz sat dere stupidly or anyhow join in.... then after break there was nth to do... we had our chit-chat sessions on..haha n den dolly missed great partssssss of the Champion so she ask me explain everything that happened the last 2 episodes.. and Jo Hui kept interrupting.. idiot...then she stopped...then Xin Yun...*shake head... then finish liao Edlyn gave avery bad session of drama skills... I think she was juz speaking n nobody paid attention on her... but somehow I think she didn't bother much only when she asked questions and nobody answered... well it was BORING, YES, BORING...thank you... then ALAS! Mrs.Chan came in to wrap up everything... the day camp was switched to 18th Nov instead 17Th... which is like next week....?! wonder what other stuffs we gonna do.... yawn... she said about lunch... she said she try to provide us wiv it...if not she wud bring us outta skul but we pay ourselves.. frankly, i tot we forking a lil' lil' lil' lil' lil' lil' lil' lil' lil' lil' outside for our lunch wud be beta.. or we may be provided with packet food again.... haiyo haiyo...den cums my cheer practice.... Well guilty but i relli forgotten my steps.. keke... todae the entire cheer turned up except Atheena, Lim Shi, Ashey and Clara...i think...but chess and mel left earlier... then we had to come up a team name and we almost got venomm but we turned to have fizzles to the dizzle... ((: then we did formation we had the 2 mini s in our group to try fall back and almost all was hurt a way or another... everyone experienced a lil' pain on their arms... somehow the flyer jump at different hgts... but a pity natriaa was oso hurt on her nose and charlotte her face, the left cheek i think... den Steffanie omost fell to the ground for jumping too far... every1 laughed... but she's relli super duper daring...if it was me i think i cud have pee-ed on my pants ((: keke... den ltr a break.... then steff had to learn more she didn't haf a break... then while li-anna and charlotte was teaching her they got tired... charlotte asked if i cud take place... i tried but sumhow the others came back and we all stopped and we started chit-chatting and doing our own things... I spun my bottle tym n again... elmo, char n nat eat... elmo read mag oso (8 days) and Li-anna was doing diferent catwalks and everyone were lurffing except for elmo she was engrossed in the mag... but she did saw a lil' and she oso lurff... den char was asking li-anna to go town wiv her...they went la after we decided to leave we all except steffanie who left first took the same bus, bus 65...charmaine dropped of at river valley dere...i think... then the others all dropped off at town most went to meet their mom or sth lik tat haiyo i forget la... but i confirm elmo is... then they went to take neos i think... and i went home... then i juz used the comp, played the piano, bathe, eat, then blog ((: not doing much ltr too... cept for my sucky theory )): and catch champion... ((: kaes bye!!!!!!!angelic-devilordevilish-angel 8:45 PM
Monday, November 01, 2004
YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!zHI Hui's posting again! Well my comp still cannot scan this posting kennot post lor...sob sob... but i post don't post oso for fun after all it's a diary it shouldn't be open to the public sortta thing.haha. Well Holidays are boring! Yawn... what to do?! Relli dunno......haiyo maybe rena's right...just stare at the clock see it fly... fly fly fly, fly up high..... but after it starts to crawl it's skul.. I HATE BEING A STUDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGHZzzzz! Sumbodie save me...oh yes! My new quote...SUPPORT THE CHAMPION...for more details it is showing on weekdays at 9pm on channel . yea!...getting lame in here. dno wa to write coz not doing anything at nothing to write...except i think i'm fatter and fatter and my pockets empty..... :(angelic-devilordevilish-angel 11:00 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Bloggi-eeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss ya! Muackz.....Manage to borrow PC fr my er jie to post! haha....thankiew er jie ^^... hhmpf.......Exams exams.... argh argh...... May go service this week onwards..dno la. Got a big big revenge to make and on the wae tease YJ and Kelly...haha Today's sian......but gud in a way i dunnit studie hehe.... 2ml science like shit lik dat.....hate tat subject manzzzzzz........ Anyways My new familie is Julie, da jia, Sylvia Er jie, Stephanie is San Jie... I'm siao mei :( kanna bullied but nvm.........LOLLIS ROX!!!!!!!!esp choco vanilla..... Rawkz man.....huehue...... Da jie and Er jie room so coold shivering..... aniwaes this past few daes very dead le........... nth de except I kanna sabotage BADLIE cuz cuz cuz I teased sum1 saying kely as his family member and he is Beno (origiinated from BenQ comps.) full name benjamin Ong.. pukes he so historic..... Me leh history flunked 15 marks liao I not never finish paper is do wrong questions........freakz.......haiyo dunno wat to update lerhzz.......haiyo!angelic-devilordevilish-angel 8:59 PM
Saturday, September 25, 2004
angelic-devilordevilish-angel 3:14 AM

AZH at 4:38 AM

Friday, November 19, 2004

Day Camp ystd... Well not very bad it wasn't boring and somehow I benefitted and got to know more Sec 2 Seniors.. ^^(I really am a bad actress I CAN'T CONTROL MY LAUGHTER :' ) ... Indeed E.L.D.D.S. is a very warm big family..LOTZA COMEDIES! well half my day spent...then when I got home...home alone Sanjie not home... home ler hor then we watch Love Angel.....wah so damn boring all convos. then from the 7th episode we skipped to the 20th... Stupid, the last one's missing... thanks Sylvia -_- guess she watched it and forgot to take out from her comp. *shrug shrug* I dno..but itink so :) ... that show was pathetically boring prefer Champion and Outsiders... I noe Outsders 2 is out but doubt that it will be nice, after all the leads are dead.. the story wont be very nice I guess! Sho! That's how I end my dae lorhs. Watch Love Angel... Boring Boring...

AZH at 7:28 AM

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Argh!!!! My comp's STUPID!
I still can't tag! ah! When will it be fixed! >.< *hungry*
Well yesterdae was alright...well when to skool for Standered Chatered Cheer thing... MARISSA wants to join! Yea! But hope she can, well we submitted our names... she was a lil' late...but I believe she can join dno y..instinct i tink... *shrug shrug* dunno! Then from 10am-3pm... we did a lil' shopping for stationery.. at popular tiong one... 28.88, the amount we spent and after we went for lunch.. then back to school work out on the things we bought... there were short of pencils and markers... my reaction slow.. never get pencil, never get marker... 'stone' and stare at what everyont was doing.......yawn... then charlotte asked i wan go home first then okay lor.... then bus stop I met Sarah, juz noe her on this day, 15 Nov, she still dno my name... then talk a lil' and very idiotically the bus took sooooooo long to come. and my bus was infront of hers. it came at the same tym. :) den.. I wen Centrepoint... then something struck my mind!!! TODAY GOT GUITAR!!! haiyo I haven't practice.. wah zhao arh! juz in tym..
bingo manage to get one song. :) went ol..haha...slack. then guitar start ler hor... not bad lar...never deprove...keke. tthen my sanjia cum home liao then we tok tok tok tok tok...then my mum bring me to her friend house... wah! I got pretty! wah lau... so paiseh.. they keep staring at me... when lurff kennot lurff... den juz tahan! tahan! Then go home ler makan dinner with sanjie and then plae comp, bathe, watch champion lor! Champion okay lar today everything happie happie and also expected one Yilin surely be fwenz wiv Kaixin one and Flying Fish surely win one wat........ haiyo haiyo they should let Flying Fish lose in 1 race ma.then ppl will...oh oh....sth like tat... and today the short part that one VCD's dun have i think.... but i dno lar... obvious many want Kaiwei to be wiv JingWen lor.. haisho then after show steph went back to her comp again.. i stare lor.... then her fwen send her a ghost file and denied that it wasn't a ghostly one... we urged to open but scared...then nv open lor...but oso nv delete lar....dno mayb open it today haha... I send to Valentia b4 one. that one. the ghost stay then u kennot close one haha.... i got freaked out the first tym oso...haha then slp lor...end!

AZH at 10:59 AM

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Wah! Yesterday was very, syper, duper boring.... but with my pal maybe not very... I went out with her, Stephanie....we ate at Lips cafe, our new habit...We were waiting for sharktale to start.... We ordered wedges which came with mango mayonnaise sauce... indeed the sauce had mango......then both had Iced chocolate.... quite nice and a pizza of ALOT VEGETABLES!! meat-less....but nm ir's over... but the pizza wasn't so bad with pepper and tomato!! ((: then tym we go for the movie...and the movie begin...-_-'''..... so boring the story.... almost slept...then out we came to the neos!!!!!!!!!!! Took lotz which increase to my many collection....tried 4 machines then went for coffee at Buttercup cineleisure dere... both got Vanilla Latte... not bad quite nice but u never finish the whole thing cause u will feel nauseous if u drink to much... XP... right then we got home for the Champion!!!! that episode was nice...except the lastest part where Yilin get knocked... it's expected actuallie...if Kaixin was knocked Yilin wouldn't be betta den b4 way worse and i wud lik to know what happen...but out! Kaixin wasn't knocked...sigh... haishio.... kies then scan scan scan pictures....CHANGED FRIENDSTER PIC!!!go see! go go! But tag my board first....OH YA! aNYWAY.....Guilty...but sry my computer kennot tag.... so I don't think I can tag lor... kennot tag mine oso kennot tag you ppl's...sry....sry...

To be loved/ Loving someone...

A child never understands what's love but they know love is given from their parents...

AZH at 7:40 AM

((: ...juz dun wanna grow up.... growing up is just so troublesome... u have to think like an adult, u can't continue throwing your temper, you can't escape from love, u can't get free movie tickets, you can't get free rides, u don't get ppl pinching your cheeks saying u r cute... so many things change when we grow up... sigh... now we have to study even boring literature, confusing Maths, Chemicals that drive u crazy, the disgusting items of our Human Body, Unfamiliar Chinese Characters.... I WANT TO STAY CHILDISH! English is as simple as ABC, Chinese is as simple as yi, er, san and also maths as simple as 1,2,3 and NO SCIENCE!!!!! Mish my old tyms... when u r young so manie things u can do... but thinking about it when i was young. I was restricted from roller coasters... my father and I juz stood next to the gigantic machines and here ppl scream... and why was that so... I was hardly 1.2m...-__-"' If only a kid was taller than that... I would wanna stay that young, that childish.... later further in life, we have to work face irritating people, our boss, ppl of different status...and we never know what may happen... I lub being a child... no troubles. no worries ...when will I be young again...and oh yes... there's some type of trend among women that they call themself bitches... SHeez the world's getting insane..

Oh my...Oh my...Yea...

You know all the things I've said,
You know all the things that we had done
And things I gave to you
There's a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
And you know that it's true
To be with you is all that I need
Cause with you
My life seems brighter
And these are all the things I want to say

I will fly into your arms...
And be with you till the end of time
Why are u so far away
Now it's very hard for me
To get myself close to you

Oh yea...

You're the reason why I stay
You're the one who cannot believe
Our love will never rnd
Is it only in my dreams
You're the one who cannot see this
How could you be so blind...
To be with you is all that I need
Cause with you
My life seems brighter
And these are all the things I want to say


Wanna get myself close
Wanna get
Wanna get
Wanna get myself close


oh wow... oh ho yea

Wanna get
Wanna get
Wanna get myself close

AZH at 7:00 AM